72 names of God and Mount Sinai - I am by Maga
This is the process of the work that I carried out in order to charge the capsules of the 72 names of God with the Sacred White fire on Mount Sinai. According to the old testament (in Exodus), Moses received the names (the Letters) at the exact moment in which the miracle of the opening of the Red Sea took place so that the people of Israel could escape from the army of Ramses II. They went straight to the Sacred Mountain where some time before he found the burning bush and God gave him his name I AM that I Am, I AM THAT I AM. Moses took the people of Israel to the foothills of Mount Sinai by order of the I Am, and it was there that he received the 10 commandments.
I feel deeply honored and grateful to integrate this process, as the basis of my work and I share it with all my love.